My little blog :3

Devlogs and random blogposts

Blog #4 (9/9/2024)

Soooo much has happened these past two weeks... I moved to my dining room and I started the academic part of my school today (I go to the vocational tech school :3). I think I'll be able to set the collection up soon, but I really need to get on with it or I'll never get it done.

Blog #3 (8/29/2024)

So, class started yesterday and I decided to eventually bring this to school to finish it faster. My plan didn't work but at least I got some stuff done. However, I took down the background and I avoided putting my collection up, so it didn't feel like I got anything done. I don't have anyone to rely on in any project that I'm in, so I'll do what I can.

Blog #2 (8/26/2024)

I got yelled at so I'm stuck to only update Nekoweb for now. I do plan on adding the "collection" page to the site soon but it's taking a bit to get everything together. I'm also moving to a different room soon, how exciting!! Anyways, I should probably get off this laptop...

Blog #1 (8/21/2024)

I've kinda been doing skincare while I code cause I don't have to move my face. I want to look and feel pretty for my last year of highschool and for my 18th birthday, might as well start now.
Don't mind the desk mess all that much, i'm reorganizing everything before I start school.
Messy desk with facemask

Devlog #1 (8/21/2024)

I made this blog section instead of the collections simply because I've been wanting to do a devlog. Yes, it's still a work in progress but it's better than no devlog and a neverending catelogue of stuff I have to sort through.

ver. 1.1.3
Last updated: 8/26/24